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Notables database

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This is a large collection of the designs of celebrities and other notables, famous and infamous, serving research and curiosity. It is a work in progress, as new designs are added while others are expanded, corrected and enhanced by a curator, based on new research and contributions and requests by the public (you).

The designs can be viewed in the various dynamics Auracle allows, but you cannot add, delete, or edit anything. The functionality of the greyed-out buttons is disabled.



Access to the Notables database is public and free.

a. Go to https://notables.auracle.com

b. Auracle's Find panel is presented, which gives you access to all the stored designs.

1. Start typing the name you're looking for or scroll with up/down arrows on your keyboard.
You can also double-click any visible design outside the Find box..

2. Confirm with <tab> or <enter> when the name appears in the find box.

- The Find panel is powerful. Read Find panel for detailed instructions.

c. On the Individual panel you see the planetary activations and how they shape the body graph. You can view the design through circuitry, Design only or Personality only, you can generate a pdf chart, see detailed return and opposition data, and view Context.

- Read Individual panel for details.


d. Context

- Most birth data are taken from Astrodatabank, which lists a data source and a Rodden Rating. If the data source is "rectified," read the related note.

- Albums shows all the albums to which this design has been added.

- Most designs have a "Bio" note attached to them, which you can open by clicking on date/name. Mostly these consist of synapses taken from Astrodatabank (adb).

- Read Context for more details.

e. Composites and Transit composites

- A triangle in front of a name indicates that there are stored composites or transits related to this design.

- Click on the triangle to open the folder and select desired.

- Read Composites for more detail.

- Read Transits for more detail.

f. Albums

On the Find panel

1. Place cursor in Album Find box, scroll with up/down arrows on your keyboard or start typing desired album name.

2. <tab> or <enter> selects album in the Find box.

2.b. Alternatively, any album visible outside the Find box can be selected with a single click.

3. When In Album mode, the Album Find box is highlighted and only the contents of the album are shown in the design list above.

- Read Albums for more details.


Your participation

This is a work in progress. If you are inspired by your notables research and like to add, change, expand anything, please write to the curator at note@auracle.com.

- Add a design.
- Add an album.
- Add someone to an album.
- Add a note to a design (genuine insight only, Jovian jargon is not accepted).
- etc.


Linking to a specific design

If you want to directly link to the Notables database to display a specific design (for example in a post), you need to find the design ID on the Context page, then use the following format:


This link will open Elon Musk's design, for example.


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